We are an independent, private facility in Fort Worth, Texas serving self-motivated students interested in learning valuable trade skills. Currently we Host a Titans of CNC Academy Small Group (ASG) to assist those people who want to become CNC machinists. Titans of CNC Academy offers FREE training and resources for ANYBODY to learn the modern manufacturing trade skills of CAD, CAM, and CNC (see below). Students who complete the Titans of CNC Academy curriculum are well-positioned to be hired in a fulfilling, great-paying career in manufacturing.

What is a CNC machine?
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
In its most basic sense, a CNC machine is a specialized robot that moves a tool following step-by-step instructions from a computer program. Just about everything you touch, use, drive, or fly would not exist without CNC machine tools to make the tooling and components that make up those things. Modern manufacturing the world over uses CNC machines to efficiently and repeatedly create complex shapes out of metal, plastic, wood, glass, concrete, etc. by removing material with mills, lathes, grinders, sparks, and lasers; or – more recently by adding material via 3D printers and stereolithography (lasers and goo).
Before CNC, these were manual processes that required a great deal of learning and experience to be proficient at. And many of today’s complex parts could not even be made economically in the 20th century. Today computers are so ubiquitous, potentially anybody including pre-teens can learn to design parts (CAD), generate code for tool paths (CAM), and operate the machines to create those physical parts (CNC).
The School of Shop ASG offers access to industrial CNC machine tools and guidance to assist Academy students in completing their portfolio projects.
For more information about the Titans of CNC Academy, click here.